Rear Ag Paste for Photovoltaic Cells
- Good suitability with the above pastes; high soldering capacity with ribbon, which greater than other same commercial products.
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[ Product Features ]
1. High adhesion capacity (> 3N/mm)
2. High soldering capacity
3. High compatibility with Si-wafer
4. High quality printing capability
5. High compatibility with Aluminum paste
6. Lead free
Front side silver paste: High conduction and good reaction to SiNx; the efficiency can be promoted about 0.2%.
Photovoltaic Aluminum paste: Result a uniform BSF and strong combination to Si-wafer; the Voc and Isc were increased so that the efficiency can be promoted about 0.1% than other same commercial products.
Rear side conductor silver paste:Good suitability with the above pastes; high combinative force with ribbon, which greater than other same commercial products.
Fineness of Grind Gauges (FOG)
Brookfield Viscometer
Tensile strength tester
Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA)
Photoluminescence (PL)
Electroluminescence (EL)
Solar Simulator IV Test (Burger)
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Solar Module Laminator
Environmental test chamber (Thermal Cycle)